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"Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste"

Grade 4-6

By:  Arianna Irons, Kerjahni Prevost, Shacola Small


Anaerobic digestion is an integral part of many environmental engineering processes, such as wastewater treatment, and food and agricultural waste management. Engineers design these systems to recycle and minimize the impacts of waste on our environment, as well as produce useful products such as heat, energy and nutrient fertilizers. The investigation centers around how to effectively and efficiently break down food (HOT DOGS)  waste from the school cafeteria under different conditions; diced and whole to speed up food recycling. The research was carried out using plastic soda bottles for mini-anaerobic digesters and plastic containers as gas measurement devices, a total of three digesters were made for the investigation diced, whole and blank. A total of six hot dogs were used three finely dice and 3 whole for their respective digester and 500 ml of excrement from the goat digestive system was added to all three digesters as an inoculator to provide the necessary microbes to start the decomposition process. The methane gas production from the decomposing hot dogs diced vs. whole and blank was recorded and analyzed and concluded that the diced hot dogs produced more methane gas compared to the other units because the finer the hot dogs are chopped the greater the surface area provided for the microbes to work and the faster the decomposition and fermentation process. Anaerobic digestion can be used to biorecycle waste (poop and yard waste) into valuable resources such as energy, nutrients and biogas.

"Hydraulic Lift"

Grade 4-6

By:  Manuel Alexander


The main objective of this investigative engineering project is to explore the science behind a hydraulic lift. They have various uses which include shipping, vehicles, cranes,  elevators and even construction and mining sites. The main question addressed by this model is how does a hydraulic lift works? What are the principles of a hydraulic lift? The project was done using simple materials around the home and syringes were sourced from the hospital. The model was made from four cardboards with a length of 15cm and a breadth of 5.5 and three cardboard with 10 cm length and breadth of 7.5 cm and one cardboard with a length of 7 cm and a breadth of 5 cm with two cardboard having a trapezoid shape of 6.5 cm length and breadth 4.5cm. These were attached using melting glue. Two sized syringes were used, 10 ml and 20 ml and were fixed in a vertical position connected to tubes with coloured ink water that caused the load to lift when pressed.  Small animal toys and small cars were used as loads. Hydraulic lifts are based on the famous law known as Pascal’s law, which states that when we apply pressure on the fluid inside a closed container, this force is transmitted to the liquid and wall of the container.  Hydraulic systems are important because they are used for vehicle breaks, hydraulic jacks and hydraulic shock absorbers. This project allows me to be more knowledgeable about working hydraulic system mechanics.

"STEAM…Powered Up!"

Grade 4-6

By:  Syl-Kaysha Williams


I aimed to have as much STEAM in one project. First, with help, the Geometry Barn Yard was created with craft materials I had at home. The Geometry Barn Yard includes Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and of course Mathematics. To include more STEAM, especially Science for the Fair, I got a mini solar panel, wires and a solar motor from an electricity kit. I left the solar panel outside in the sun for a while, I then used wires to connect it to the solar motor which started to spin! I learned that by using the wires to join the solar motor with the solar panel I formed an electric circuit. It was so cool to see the blade of the motor spin because of the solar panel and not batteries or plug it into an outlet. This also made me think about how much money we could save by using energy from the sun as we have a lot of sunshine here on Tortola and it is free! Solar energy is also better for the environment.

© National Science Fair 2023 by Ministry of Education, Youth Affairs and Sports.

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